Thursday, April 14, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

I’m actually glad that we had blogging as an assignment because I much rather write here then having to write formal papers more often. I think the pros of having a blog is that you can write about anything you want, I mean sometimes it feels like there’s nothing at all to write about but in the end I always find something. I think that having the freedom to write about anything you want makes writing a lot more enjoyable and therefore more interesting. Another good point is that you get to share what you write and it doesn’t seem like what you write isn’t appreciated. Even though I know these blogs aren’t getting thousands of viewers at least we know it's out there and someone might stumble upon it. Even though I personally like blogging there are some bad points about it. For example knowing that your classmates might read it, is a little weird and usually limits what you write. Another con is that is some people aren’t creative enough to come up with a new blog topic every time, I know I sometimes take a very long time to figure out what I’ll write about but then I always end up talking about something I’ve done. Overall I really like blogging although sometimes my posts aren’t the best I enjoy writing them. So if you like writing and don't have a blog I suggest you sign up right now!

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